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The latest publications from the Molecular Programming Project.

An improved autonomous DNA nanomotor.

DNA nanomotors are synthetic biochemical devices whose motion can be controlled at the molecular scale. Some DNA devices require several exogenous additions of different types of fuel to operate, which limits their potential uses. However, several devices that operate autonomously have recentl...
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Enzyme-free nucleic acid logic circuits.

Biological organisms perform complex information processing and control tasks using sophisticated biochemical circuits, yet the engineering of such circuits remains ineffective compared with that of electronic circuits. To systematically create complex yet reliable circuits, electrical enginee...
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Catalyzed relaxation of a metastable DNA fuel.

Practically all of life’s molecular processes, from chemical synthesis to replication, involve enzymes that carry out their functions through the catalytic transformation of metastable fuels into waste products. Catalytic control of reaction rates will prove to be as useful and ubiquitous in n...
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Folding DNA to create nanoscale shapes and patterns.

‘Bottom-up fabrication’, which exploits the intrinsic properties of atoms and molecules to direct their self-organization, is widely used to make relatively simple nanostructures. A key goal for this approach is to create nanostructures of high complexity, matching that routinely achieved by ‘...
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Topological constraints in nucleic acid hybridization kinetics.

A theoretical examination of kinetic mechanisms for forming knots and links in nucleic acid structures suggests that molecules involving base pairs between loops are likely to become topologically trapped in persistent frustrated states through the mechanism of ‘helix-driven wrapping’. Augment...
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Design and characterization of programmable DNA nanotubes.

DNA self-assembly provides a programmable bottom-up approach for the synthesis of complex structures from nanoscale components. Although nanotubes are a fundamental form encountered in tile-based DNA self-assembly, the factors governing tube structure remain poorly understood. Here we report a...
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Algorithmic self-assembly of DNA Sierpinski triangles.

Algorithms and information, fundamental to technological and biological organization, are also an essential aspect of many elementary physical phenomena, such as molecular self-assembly. Here we report the molecular realization, using two-dimensional self-assembly of DNA tiles, of a cellular a...
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Triggered amplification by hybridization chain reaction.

We introduce the concept of hybridization chain reaction (HCR), in which stable DNA monomers assemble only upon exposure to a target DNA fragment. In the simplest version of this process, two stable species of DNA hairpins coexist in solution until the introduction of initiator strands trigger...
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A synthetic DNA walker for molecular transport.

Inspired by kinesin movement along a microtubule, we demonstrate a processive bipedal DNA walker. Powered by externally controlled DNA fuel strands, the walker locomotes with a 5 nm stride by advancing the trailing foot to the lead at each step. Real-time monitoring of specific bidirectional w...
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Yin Yang 1 is a negative regulator of p53.

Yin Yang 1 (YY1) is a transcription factor that plays an essential role in development. However, the full spectrum of YY1’s functions and mechanism of action remains unclear. We find that YY1 ablation results in p53 accumulation due to a reduction of p53 ubiquitination in vivo. Conversely, YY1...
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Paradigms for computational nucleic acid design.

The design of DNA and RNA sequences is critical for many endeavors, from DNA nanotechnology, to PCR-based applications, to DNA hybridization arrays. Results in the literature rely on a wide variety of design criteria adapted to the particular requirements of each application. Using an extensiv...
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Protein design is NP-hard.

Biologists working in the area of computational protein design have never doubted the seriousness of the algorithmic challenges that face them in attempting in silico sequence selection. It turns out that in the language of the computer science community, this discrete optimization problem is ...
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