- The Logic of Biological Networks : Shuki Bruck’s 2006 seminar (90 minutes, on Google Video).
- Casting Spells with DNA : Paul Rothemund’s 5 minute monologue on TED (2007).
- The Astonishing Promise of DNA Folding : Paul Rothemund’s 15 minute monologue on TED (2008).
- The Molecular Programming Project : Erik Winfree’s introductory lecture slides (2008).
- Toward Molecular Programming with DNA : Erik Winfree’s ASPLOS 2008 seminar (40 minutes, video on ACM).
- Where computation and fabrication meet: using computers to mimic biology : our friend Zack Simpson (U Texas Austin) articulates the vision nicely (60 minutes, video, 2009).
- Molecular Coin Tossing : Shuki Bruck’s 54 minute lecture at the Technion Institute (2012).
Media Coverage
- Discover Magazine interview of Erik Winfree (2009).
- Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News podcast interview of Erik Winfree (13 minutes, 2009).
- Physics World on lithography for DNA origami (August 21, 2009)
- Popular Science on digital circuits with DNA (June 3, 2011)
- Engadget on neural networks with DNA (July 30, 2011)
- Engineering and Science article “Programming Molecular Apps” (Winter, 2012)
- Economist article “Computing with Soup” (May 3rd, 2012)
- An interview with Lulu Qian featured in Futurescapes (December 3, 2013)
Institutional Coverage & Announcements
- NSF Announces Expeditions in Computing Awards (August 18, 2008)
- NSF announces new Expeditions in Computing awards (September 17, 2013)
- Team Led by Caltech Wins Second $10 Million Award for Research in Molecular Programming (September 17, 2013)
- UCSF Investigator Wins NSF Award for Molecular Programming Project (September 17, 2013)
- Eric Klavins, Georg Seelig win NSF award for molecular programming (September 18, 2013)
- Programming molecular robots : Q&A with William Shih and Peng Yin (2014)