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A fast motion planning representation for configuration flat robots with applications to micro air vehicles

Fragoso AT, Matthies LH, Murray RM , (). A fast motion planning representation for configuration flat robots with applications to micro air vehicles . , 4195–4202


Navigation of micro air vehicles (MAVs) in unknown environments is a complex sensing and trajectory generation task, particularly at high velocities. In this work, we introduce an efficient sense-and-avoid pipeline that compactly represents range measurements from multiple sensors, trajectory generation, and motion planning in a 2.5-dimensional projective data structure called an egospace representation. Egospace coordinates generalize depth image obstacle representations and are a particularly convenient choice for configuration flat mobile robots, which are differentially flat in their configuration variables and include a number of commonly used MAV plant models. After characterizing egospace obstacle avoidance for robots with trivial dynamics and establishing limits on applicability and performance, we generalize to motion planning over full configuration flat dynamics using motion primitives expressed directly in egospace coordinates. In comparison to approaches based on world coordinates, egospace uses the natural sensor geometry to combine the benefits of a multiresolution and multi-sensor representation architecture into a single simple and efficient layer.

URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.23919/ACC.2017.7963600

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