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Direct atomic force microscopy observation of DNA tile crystal growth at the single-molecule level.

Evans CG, Hariadi RF, Winfree E , (). Direct atomic force microscopy observation of DNA tile crystal growth at the single-molecule level. J. Am. Chem. Soc. . 134(25), 10485-92


While the theoretical implications of models of DNA tile self-assembly have been extensively researched and such models have been used to design DNA tile systems for use in experiments, there has been little research testing the fundamental assumptions of those models. In this paper, we use direct observation of individual tile attachments and detachments of two DNA tile systems on a mica surface imaged with an atomic force microscope (AFM) to compile statistics of tile attachments and detachments. We show that these statistics fit the widely used kinetic Tile Assembly Model and demonstrate AFM movies as a viable technique for directly investigating DNA tile systems during growth rather than after assembly.

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