Self-assembly of carbon nanotubes into two-dimensional geometries using DNA origami templates.
Journal: Maune HT, Han SP, Barish RD, Bockrath M, Iii WA, Rothemund PW, Winfree E , (). Self-assembly of carbon nanotubes into two-dimensional geometries using DNA origami templates. Nat Nanotechnol . 5(1), 61-6
Abstract:A central challenge in nanotechnology is the parallel fabrication of complex geometries for nanodevices. Here we report a general method for arranging single-walled carbon nanotubes in two dimensions using DNA origami-a technique in which a long single strand of DNA is folded into a predetermined shape. We synthesize rectangular origami templates ( approximately 75 nm x 95 nm) that display two lines of single-stranded DNA ‘hooks’ in a cross pattern with approximately 6 nm resolution. The perpendicular lines of hooks serve as sequence-specific binding sites for two types of nanotubes, each functionalized non-covalently with a distinct DNA linker molecule. The hook-binding domain of each linker is protected to ensure efficient hybridization. When origami templates and DNA-functionalized nanotubes are mixed, strand displacement-mediated deprotection and binding aligns the nanotubes into cross-junctions. Of several cross-junctions synthesized by this method, one demonstrated stable field-effect transistor-like behaviour. In such organizations of electronic components, DNA origami serves as a programmable nanobreadboard; thus, DNA origami may allow the rapid prototyping of complex nanotube-based structures.